Order of Moncton - George LeBlanc

George LeBlanc is indisputably one of Moncton’s most influential citizens. As a long-time public servant and community leader he has had a deep and lasting impact on the city.
LeBlanc served three terms as a City of Moncton councillor, from 1995-2004, and two terms as mayor, from 2008-2016.
He was at the helm in June 2014 during a two-day hunt for a gunman who killed three members of the RCMP and injured two more. In a time of grief and chaos and fear, LeBlanc was a calm and steadying influence. He effectively led the city not only during the initial days of the tragedy, but in the weeks and months that followed, bringing the shattered community together and helping it get back on its feet. His quiet and capable leadership was recognized across the country and around the world.
One of LeBlanc’s greatest legacies is the Avenir Centre, a project he championed during his term as mayor. The Centre had many critics, but LeBlanc had a clear vision of the value it would bring to the city and the downtown core, a vision that has been affirmed in the years since the Centre opened its doors.
In addition to his work on Moncton City Council, LeBlanc was deeply involved in the community, particularly with Moncton Headstart, where he served on the board for many years. The charity provides early child and family intervention services to support at-risk children and their families.
It is fitting that LeBlanc be named to the Order of Moncton as he created the recognition during his first term as mayor as a way to celebrate citizens who have made exceptional contributions to the community.