Public Hearings

Amendments to the Municipal Plan and to the Zoning By-Law (often referred to as rezonings) require a public hearing be held before Moncton City Council. In some cases, a public presentation may also be required.  

The City of Moncton encourages residents to participate in the development application process by:

  • Attending public presentations to learn more about proposed amendments and projects.
  • Attending public hearings to express their comments on, support of, or objection to a particular amendment or project. 

Find out about rezoning requests

The City must provide public notice of any application to amend the Municipal Plan or Zoning By-Law. 

Notice of applications is:

  • published in the Times & Transcript and Acadie Nouvelle
  • sent by mail to property owners within a 100-metre radius of the subject property
  • posted on this page
  • advertised on a sign on the property named in the development application

Submitting written comments

If you wish to submit written comments about a particular project for Council’s consideration, you may do so using the form at the bottom of this page. Deadlines for submissions can be found in the individual project descriptions.

Speaking at a public hearing

You can register your intent to speak at a public hearing using the form at the bottom of this page. 

You may also register upon arrival at the Council meeting. Even if you do not pre-register, you will still have an opportunity to speak. Once all the names on the list of speakers have been called, the chair of the meeting will call for additional speakers and you may indicate your wish to speak at that time.


Petitions must be delivered to the city clerk. Petitions can be dropped off in-person at Moncton City Hall, 655 Main St., at the security desk or the Revenue Office, or emailed to info.clerk [at] (info[dot]clerk[at]moncton[dot]ca) 

Public presentation process

Public presentations are meant to inform the public about a development project before the public hearing is conducted at a subsequent Council meeting.

Public presentations are held during regular Moncton City Council meetings, which usually take place the first and third Monday of each month. A schedule of upcoming meetings can be found online.

A staff member, usually from the Planning and Development Department, will give an overview of the request and how it aligns with relevant municipal plans and by-laws. 

Members of the public are invited to attend the presentation to learn more about the request for Zoning By-Law or Municipal Plan amendments, but do not have the opportunity to speak during this stage of the process.

Public participation is reserved for the public hearing stage of the process.

Public hearing process

  • A staff member, usually from the Planning and Development Department, begins by giving an overview of the request and how it aligns with relevant municipal plans and by-laws. They will also share the recommendations made by the Planning Advisory Committee.
  • After the presentation, the staff member will answer any questions from City Council.
  • Once all of Council’s initial questions have been addressed, the public hearing will open.
  • The applicant will have the first opportunity to speak.
  • Registered speakers will then be called in the order in which they signed up. Each speaker will have five minutes to state their opinions on the proposed change.
  • Once all names on the list have been called, the chair will call for any additional speakers.
  • Once the last speaker has been heard, the applicant will be given a final opportunity to respond to any comments made by the public at the hearing.
  • The public hearing will close.
  • After the public hearing closes, Council may ask City staff additional questions to clarify information received during the hearing.
  • Council will then deliberate on the request. They may make a decision immediately or defer the application to a future date. No further written comments will be accepted and no further speakers can be heard once the public hearing has closed.
  • If you have additional questions, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at info.clerk [at] (info[dot]clerk[at]moncton[dot]ca) 

Current Applications

Neighbourhoods and Housing Initiative: Zoning By-law Amendments


The amendments are proposed to enable the development of four residential units in all residential zones and to increase the permissibility of additional dwelling units. 

Additional project information


A public meeting to consider written objections to the proposed changes will be held on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, at 4 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall, 655 Main St., Moncton, NB. 

All members of the public are welcome to attend and express their views during the public hearing on Tuesday, April 22, 2025.

If you wish to submit written comments for Council’s consideration, in support of the project or to object, please use the form at the bottom of this page and submit by Friday, April 18, 2025, 4:30 p.m.

195-225 Leopold F. Belliveau Dr


Noky Group Ltd., landowner, is proposing to construct a mixed-use development consisting of four apartment buildings at 195-225 Leopold F. Belliveau Drive (PIDs 70576723 & 70576715). At full build-out, the site will offer 366 residential units and 373m2 of commercial space on the ground floor.

To accommodate the proposed development, Administration are recommending the properties be rezoned to ID (Integrated Development) and P2 (Open Space and Conservation).

Additional project information


A public hearing to consider written objections to the proposed changes will be held on Monday, March 17, 2025, at 4 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall, 655 Main Street, Moncton, NB. 

All members of the public are welcome to attend and express their views during the public hearing on Monday, March 17, 2025.

If you wish to submit written comments for Council’s consideration, in support of the project or to object, please use the form at the bottom of this page and submit by Thursday, March 13, 2025, 4:30 p.m.

70 Queensway Dr


Fen’s Market Inc. is proposing to develop a new commercial lot at 70 Queensway Drive (PIDs 70638465 and 70638473). The commercial development will include a new gas station, convenience store, and restaurant outlets.

To accommodate the proposed development, Administration is recommending Schedule 2 of the Municipal Plan be amended to include the subject lands within the urban serviceable boundary.

Additional project information


A public hearing to consider written objections to the proposed changes will be held on Monday, March 17, 2025, at 4 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall, 655 Main Street, Moncton, NB. 

All members of the public are welcome to attend and express their views during the public hearing on Monday, March 17, 2025.

If you wish to submit written comments for Council’s consideration, in support of the project or to object, please use the form at the bottom of this page and submit by Thursday, March 13, 2025, 4:30 p.m.

Comment Submission Form

Written comments for any of the projects on this page may be submitted for consideration using the form below.

The deadline for submissions is usually 5 p.m. on the Thursday before a scheduled meeting. Deadlines for individual projects can be found in the project descriptions above.

Submissions will be shared with Moncton City Council and relevant staff and become part of the official public record. Submissions will also be posted on this page under the application details for the relevant project. Your name will be posted with your comments, but your mailing address, phone number, and email address will not be posted online.

User Information

Mailing address

Public hearing information

Address or name of development or amendment
Do you support or oppose the development?
You may choose to include relevant photos, if applicable.
Maximum 10 files.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, svg.
Do you wish to speak about your support/objections at the public hearing?