Moncton Matters

The City is focusing on four key areas where provincial government support is most needed. Read on and ask your local candidates for the upcoming provincial election what they will do about the City's priorities.

The Moncton CMA has been the fastest growing census area in Canada for two consecutive years. 

In New Brunswick, Moncton currently represents:

  • 25 per cent of the population
  • 33 per cent of the GDP
  • 47 per cent of the immigration intake
  • 49 per cent of new building permits

Following local governance reform, municipalities are now responsible for the majority of services in the daily lives of their citizens. The ability to pay for those services has not kept pace with the added responsibility.

If Moncton is the economic engine of New Brunswick – and the data shows this to be true – the City needs a new partnership with the provincial government. This partnership must be based on mutual recognition and respect for our specific and complementary roles, and provide the fiscal framework and resources to ensure both the City and province prosper.

If the City of Moncton flourishes, New Brunswick flourishes. Moncton matters.

Special City Council meeting

The three provincial party leaders and all Moncton candidates have been invited to a special City Council meeting to discuss how their party will address the four priorities the City has outlined. 

The meeting, which takes place Sept. 11 at 6 p.m., is open to the public:

The City of Moncton has set four key priority areas for the upcoming New Brunswick provincial election. 

Click on each of the blocks below to learn more about the challenges the city is facing and actions the next provincial government could take to support municipalities.