New Signalized Intersection to Start Flashing 2022-09-20

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The City of Moncton wishes to advise the motoring public that the newly installed traffic lights at the intersection of McLaughlin Drive and Hennessey Road, will be operating in flash mode from Wednesday, September 21 at 10 p.m. until they are fully operational on Wednesday, September 28 at 8 p.m.

The traffic lights will be operating with yellow flashing lights on McLaughlin Drive and red flashing lights on Hennessey Road. The flashing yellow light indicates motorists can proceed if it is safe to do so but must exercise caution and be prepared to stop. The flashing red light acts as a stop sign. Motorists in this direction must come to a complete stop and give right of way to those passing through the flashing yellow.

We ask motorists to take extra caution when driving in this area.  



Communications, City of Moncton 

Category: PSA