City of Moncton 2025 Fees and Charges 2025-02-04
The 2025 fee schedules for municipal services have been approved by Moncton City Council and were put into effect Jan. 1, 2025.
The following is a summary of changes to the fees and charges for 2025:
- Planning and Development fees have increased by 2.5 per cent. This includes fees for services such as applications for zoning amendments, variance applications, subdivision applications, and development permits. The full fee schedule can be found at:
- Parking rates in municipal lots remain unchanged at $2.50 per hour.
- Codiac Transpo single fares remain unchanged at $3. The cost of passes (30-day, employer, and 10- and 20-ride passes) will increase by $1.
- The entry fees for the Magnetic Hill Illusion are increasing to $10 per vehicle and $60 per tour bus.
- Rates for the Magnetic Hill Zoo will increase by $2 for individual entry and $4 for season memberships. Behind-the-scenes visits will increase by $5. Home school camp fees will increase from $25 to $40. All other camp fees remain the same.
- Entry fees for Resurgo Place are increasing by $1 for single entry and by $3 for a family of four. The cost of annual passes is increasing by between $4 and $10, depending on the type of pass.
- Some room and facility rental fees are increasing, while others remain unchanged:
- Sports field rentals – hourly rates for field rentals will increase by $1
- Moncton Market – vendor rental fees are increasing by 20-25 cents per linear foot
- Crossman Community Centre-Kay Arena – room rental rates have increased by $5 per hour
- Moncton Coliseum – facility rental rates have increased for the Coliseum, exhibition halls, Legends, and meeting rooms
- Resurgo Place – some rental fees have increased, while others have decreased
- A flat rate fee of $10 has been put in place for use of the municipal snow dump, replacing the two-tier fee based on the size of the load.
- The fee for street closure permits has increased by $5 to $60.
- The fee for water service interruption (off and on) is increasing to $92.
- Water and sewer rates for commercial customers are increasing by one to two per cent, depending on the usage per year and the service line size. Residential rates are also increasing. A typical household, based on an average of 272 cubic metres of usage per year, will see an increase of approximately $13 per year over 2024.
Individual fees and charges will be posted in their respective areas (on-site and online). For the full list of municipal fees and charges, please consult the Fees and Charges By-Law.
Communications, City of Moncton
Category: News