Order of Moncton - Soeur Auréa Cormier

Soeur Auréa Cormier has spent her life working to improve the lives of the less fortunate. Where others are discouraged, she perseveres, always positive and focussed on the goal she is trying to achieve. She is often the voice of those who are disadvantaged in society and uses whatever resources available to her to assist underprivileged people in the community.
She was instrumental in the Marche Mondiale des femmes 2000 working towards equality between men and women. She was also involved with wage gap reduction initiatives, pushing the issue to the forefront in New Brunswick. Sister Auréa is best known, however, for her dedication and involvement in the Common Front for Social Justice, working with the poorest members of society on a daily basis. She has organized numerous summits on poverty in New Brunswick and is a pioneer in the world of social service in Moncton.