Planning Advisory Committee
The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) is made up of volunteers appointed by Moncton City Council. The PAC advises Council on planning-related matters and is the approving authority for variances, conditional use applications, and applications for similar and compatible uses.
Planning and Development
info.plans [at] (info[dot]plans[at]moncton[dot]ca)
Regular PAC meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, except for the month of December when the meeting is held on the third Wednesday.
Meetings take place in Council Chambers at Moncton City Hall unless otherwise noted.
For past meetings and agendas not listed below, contact Planning and Development.
Current Applications
Some development applications require Planning Advisory Committee approval.
Public notice of these applications is posted to this page and mailed to property owners within a 60-metre radius of the property named in the application.
The Committee meets once per month to consider applications. All PAC meetings are open to the public. You may submit written comments ahead of time and/or speak on variances and conditional use applications on which the PAC has approval authority.
Amending City of Moncton Subdivision
The City of Moncton has submitted a subdivision application for the property behind the Mountain Road New Brunswick Community College. The proposed subdivision will create an extension of Ayer Avenue, a portion of Worthington Avenue, a portion of Mountain Road, a lot for City acquisition and parcel for to be conveyed to the City of Moncton.
Additional project information
Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, Moncton City Hall, 655 Main Street.
All members of the public are welcome to attend to learn more about the project, but no public participation is permitted at this time. Public participation is reserved for the public hearing stage of the process.
Neighbourhoods and Housing Initiative: Zoning By-law Amendments
The amendments are proposed to enable the development of four residential units in all residential zones and to increase the permissibility of additional dwelling units.
Additional project information
Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, Moncton City Hall, 655 Main Street.
All members of the public are welcome to attend to learn more about the project, but no public participation is permitted at this time. Public participation is reserved for the public hearing stage of the process.
2025 Meeting Schedule
- Jan 22 - Decisions
- Feb 26 - Decisions
- March 26 - Decisions
- April 23 - Decisions
- May 28 - Decisions
- June 25 - Decisions
- July 23 - Decisions
- Aug 27 - Decisions
- Sept 24 - Decisions
- Oct 22 - Decisions
- Nov 26 - Decisions
- Dec 17 - Decisions
Past meetings
- Jan. 26 - decisions
- Feb. 23- decisions
- March 23 - no meeting
- March 30 (special meeting) - decisions
- April 27 - decisions
- May 25 - decisions
- June 22 - decisions
- June 29 (special meeting) - decisions
- July 27 - decisions
- Aug. 24 - decisions
- Sept. 28 - decisions
- Oct. 26 - decisions
- Nov. 23 - decisions
- Dec. 21 - decisions
- Jan. 23 - decisions
- Feb. 27 - decisions
- March 27 - decisions
- April 24 - decisions
- May 1 (special meeting) - decisions
- May 22 - decisions
- June 26 - decisions
- July 24 - decisions
- Aug. 28 - decisions
- Sept. 25 - decisions
- Oct. 16 (special meeting) - decisions
- Oct. 23 - no public meeting
- Nov. 6 (special meeting) - decisions
- Nov. 27 - agenda
- Dec. 18 - decisions
PAC Members
Member | Length of term |
Dale Briggs | 2 years |
Shahin Faal | 2 years |
Maxime Gauvin | 2 years |
Myles Malley | 2 years |
Dale McErlean | 2 years |
Michelle Melendy | 2 years |
Ketan Raval | 2 years |
Roxanne Richard | 2 years |
Melanie Cormier | 2 years |