Request for Special Lighting

Organizations or community groups can request to have special lighting at four municipal sites to recognize events, celebrations and awareness campaigns.



info [at] (info[at]moncton[dot]ca)


  • Downing Street
  • Downtown Place (Plaza)
  • Avenir Centre
  • City Hall

All public requests must meet the following criteria

  • Be aligned with City of Moncton community event planning objectives;
  • Promote events, activities and/or awareness campaigns that affect Moncton residents and promote a sense of community;
  • Have a recognizable colour or colours associated with the request, and a clear mandate for how the lighting will benefit the cause/event;
  • Municipal events or days which have regional, national and international significance are reserved for use by the City of Moncton:
  • Where possible, requests should be submitted no later than four weeks before the requested date.


Requests are processed in the order in which they are received and are considered on a first come, first served basis.

Requests that are personal, political, or commercial in nature will not be considered. The City of Moncton retains the right to refuse any request for any reason whatsoever.

Please be advised that the Avenir Centre is unable to accommodate special lighting requests on nights when scheduled events are taking place.

Request for Special Lighting Application Form

Required Colours

The Avenir Centre and the Downtown Place can only be programmed with one colour. Downing Street can be programmed with multiple colours.

An application does not guarantee activation; groups will be contacted to confirm the dates.