Snow Clearing Operations
Moncton is one of the snowiest cities in Canada. Every winter, snow clearing and removal is a complex operation that begins in early December and carries through to April.
info [at] (info[at]moncton[dot]ca)
Priority-based snow clearing
To manage the significant amount of snow that falls during winter, the City’s snow clearing crews follow a priority-based zone plan to efficiently clear snow from streets and sidewalks.
The most frequently used roadways and sidewalks receive snow clearing priority. Crews may plow, blow and/or remove snow, as well as use salt/sand to increase road safety.

Priority 1 Streets
- Covers 526 lane kilometres of roadway.
- Includes primary roads with between 5,000 to 25,000 vehicles daily like Main Street, Mountain Road, Vaughan Harvey Boulevard, and Wheeler Boulevard.
- Secondary roads, such as Evergreen Drive, Frampton Lane, and Hennessey Road, also receive priority clearing.
- City crews and contractor units begin ploughing busy roadways after 2 cm of snow has fallen.

Priority 2 Streets
- Covers 586 lane kilometres of roadway.
- Streets with fewer than 5,000 vehicles daily.
- The City uses contractors to assist in clean up on residential streets.
- Contractor units begin clearing residential streets after 2-8 cm of snow has fallen.

- The Sidewalk Snow Clearing Plan is adopted annually by Moncton City Council and recommendations for changes are reviewed each year. City sidewalks have three priority clearing zones.
- First priority is given to school and hospital zones.
- Some routes see sidewalks on both sides cleared while others are cleaned on one side only.
How do I know if City Hall and other municipal facilities are closed due to a storm?
Should non-essential City services need to be suspended, the City will:
- Post a message on Facebook
- Post an alert on the home page of the City of Moncton website
- Send a public service announcement to the media
What do I do if a plow damages my property?
While our snow removal teams do their best to prevent any damage to lawns, occasional incidents are unavoidable.
If your property is affected, please report the damage by filling out our online Report an Issue form. We maintain a record of affected lawns and address repairs in the upcoming spring season.
Why do plows push snow into driveways?
Plows are designed to discharge snow to the side of the street for safety reasons. Plow operators don't intentionally block driveways, but it's sometimes unavoidable.
Snowplows may need to pass multiple times to clear a street completely. Whenever you can, it's best to wait until the snow crew has finished their work before clearing the end of your driveway. This way, you'll only need to shovel once.
Can I park my car on the street overnight in the winter?
Overnight parking is now permitted on most city streets except when snow-clearing and ice removal operations are expected or taking place.
Residents are responsible for staying informed on whether a parking ban is in place in their area. Sign up for Moncton Alerts and subscribe to “Parking Bans” to receive texts or emails when a parking ban is in place.
More information can be found on our Winter Parking Restrictions web page.
Where do I put my waste if it is snowing?
During snowy conditions, please ensure that your waste is neatly placed on the curbside on your scheduled collection day. For safety reasons, waste positioned at the top of snowbanks will not be collected.
Avoid placing waste on sidewalks, as plows require access to clear the streets effectively.
In the event of a snowstorm, a message will be posted to our Facebook page if waste collection is postponed.
Can I place snow on the sidewalk or street?
We understand that finding a suitable place to shovel snow from your driveway can be challenging. However, snow must not be deposited onto the sidewalk or street. This practice poses risks to both the public and our operators and is in direct violation of our Use of Streets By-Law.
Why are some areas of the city plowed twice before my street is plowed at all?
If a major snowfall occurs before we’ve had a chance to clear residential areas from a previous storm, our focus will shift to addressing the hills and heavily trafficked streets first. This approach ensures that priority areas stay as accessible as possible.
What do I do if my vehicle gets towed for being parked on the street during a parking ban?
If a vehicle is towed it will be moved to a compound in Moncton. Call the RCMP at 506-857-2400 and they will help you locate your vehicle.
Does the City plow Wheeler Boulevard and the Trans-Canada Highway?
No. Wheeler Boulevard and the Trans-Canada Highway are cleaned by the Provincial Government.
To report a snow clearing issue in these areas, please contact the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure: 1-833-384-4111 or transportnb [at] (transportnb[at]gnb[dot]ca).
Who plows my road if I live in a Local Service District that joined the city in 2023?
The provincial government continues to service the roads in these areas.
To report a snow clearing issue in this area, please contact the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure: 1-833-384-4111 or transportnb [at] (transportnb[at]gnb[dot]ca).
How can I report an issue?
You can report issues by filling out our online Report an Issue form, sending an email to info [at] (info[at]moncton[dot]ca), or by calling our 24/7 dispatch line at 506-853-3333 for urgent municipal issues.