Municipal Plan Review Committee

The City of Moncton’s Municipal Plan is one of its most important documents as it provides the roadmap for the anticipated growth and development of the city.

Legislation requires that the plan must be reviewed and updated every 10 years. The next review of the plan is set to begin in 2024. 

Public consultation and engagement are a foundational component of this project. To help guide this initiative, the project includes a Municipal Plan Review Committee, consisting of elected officials, members of the community, and representatives from the City of Moncton's Planning Advisory Committee. 

We are currently seeking six community members to serve on the Municipal Plan Review Committee. Further information about the Committee’s work can be found below.

Terms of reference


Elected officials: Three members of Council appointed by the Mayor

Planning Advisory Committee members: Three volunteer members

Community members: Six citizens

City administration/staff: 

  • HAF senior coordinator for Municipal Plan Review (City project manager, Alex Forbes, FCIP, RPP)
  • Director of Planning and Development (Bill Budd, RPP, MCIP)
  • Senior planner long range policy planning (Josh Davies, RPP, MCIP)

Project timeline

It is anticipated that the work of the Municipal Plan Review Committee will take place over the course of 18 months (i.e. the process up until legislative enactment with Moncton City Council).

Committee objectives

The Committee is made up of six citizens residing in Moncton who have a vision for the city’s future and experience or expertise, professional or lived, in the following (but not limited to) subject matters:

  • Moncton’s local history (social, cultural, environmental, economic, etc.)
  • Community planning and land use law
  • Housing development, including market, affordable, accessible, and/or supportive housing
  • Public health, homelessness, mental health, and addictions
  • Schools and education accessibility 
  • Protection of the environment 
  • Recreation, social inclusion, equity, accessibility, and supports for immigrants’ integration
  • Economic development and entrepreneurship (locally, regionally, and beyond)
  • Public infrastructure development and civil engineering
  • Transportation and commuting issues (including connectivity, equity, accessibility, etc.)
  • Age-friendly communities, including healthy aging, aging-in-place, and intergenerational issues
  • Sustainability, renewable energy, green economy, climate change mitigation/adaptation
  • Municipal governance

The purpose of the Committee is to provide feedback and direction on the Municipal Plan Review process. The Municipal Plan Review will build upon the Urban Growth Strategy, which outlines the City of Moncton’s long-term plan for accommodating growth and development over the next 25 years. 

The Municipal Plan is the comprehensive policy roadmap for guiding the city over the next 25 years. The Municipal Plan must be developed in a manner that is consistent with the requirements of the Community Planning Act, which requires specific policies be included in the plan.

To fulfill its mandate, it is anticipated the Committee will, among other things:

  • Identify and advise ways to increase public awareness of the broader community engagement process.
  • Provide feedback on the Municipal Plan Review’s community engagement plan. 
  • Investigate opportunities for Moncton to grow inclusively, equitably, accessibly, environmentally sustainably, economically sustainably, healthily, and prosperously.
  • Provide a forum for dialogue related to community issues that Moncton faces and is predicted to face. The Committee will highlight high-level community concerns that the Municipal Plan Review ought to address.
  • Provide perspective to City staff on strategic directions and matters related to planning complete communities, community engagement, urban growth, public infrastructure, and sustainable development (e.g. environmental conservation and sustainability, fiscal sustainability, housing, schools, transportation, accessibility, community health, food security, etc.).
  • Any other community planning matter referred to the Committee by City administration/staff. 


The Committee will meet formally at key junctures of the project or when requested by the Committee for additional information or training from staff on key topics. Formal meetings will be roughly 1.5 to 2 hours long. Meetings will be held at City Hall, but virtual meetings may be employed as a backup.  It is anticipated that the Committee will meet at minimum on a bi-monthly basis. 

Citizen members and staff may meet informally between formal meetings to garner further input and feedback on key topics (e.g. breakout group sessions). Staff will produce summaries of such informal meetings to brief the Committee by either email or at subsequent formal meetings. 

Attendance will be a key component in this process, and it is expected that citizens interested in participating in this Committee commit to maintaining a 90 per cent attendance record. 

Note: For those voluntary members from existing committees, records of attendance on those committees will be a factor in consideration of their interest in the Municipal Plan Review Committee.