Heritage Conservation Board

Moncton’s heritage properties reflect the city’s history, helping to tell the story of our past. Having withstood the test of time, these gracious, timeless properties offer solid construction and unique architectural detail. Heritage properties contribute significantly to the character of our urban environment.


info.heritage [at] moncton.ca (info[dot]heritage[at]moncton[dot]ca)

655 Main St., Moncton, NB E1C 1E8


Apply for the Board

The City of Moncton is concerned with preserving its history and heritage. To that end, The City's Heritage By-Law ensures that designated heritage homes and buildings are restored to reflect their original historical character.

Owners who protect their heritage also protect their investment. Heritage homeowners who wish to restore or renovate the exterior of their building or property can apply for the City’s heritage grant program.

Meetings and Agendas







The Board will advise Moncton City Council on built heritage matters, research local heritage architecture and promote Moncton’s history through its built heritage. The HCB follows the Heritage Conservation By-law # Z-1116 on behalf of Moncton City Council as well as administering the Heritage Awards and Plaque Program and the Heritage Grants Program.

The City of Moncton Heritage Conservation Board members consist of:

MemberLength of term
Brian Branch3 years
Bradley Condon3 years
Shahin Faal3 years
Françoise Grandmaison3 years
Blane Hogue3 years
Linda Maillet3 years
Daniel St-Louis3 years
Coun. Paulette Thériault 
Joseph Tippett2 years

Municipal Heritage Permit

Before making changes to the exterior of a building in a Heritage Conservation Area, property owners must receive a Municipal Heritage Permit.

Standards and Guidelines

The city adopted the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. These Standards and Guidelines provide sound, practical ways to achieve good conservation practice.

Heritage Conservation Grants

The Heritage Grant Policy is an incentive program designed to encourage property owners to meet the spirit and intent of the Heritage Conservation By-Law, as expressed in the Standards and Guidelines for Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. Heritage Conservation Grants are intended to assist owners to retain traditional materials and details of character-defining elements and, if necessary, replace them with new components, matching the original materials and profiles.

Five-Year Strategic Plan

The main objective of the Heritage Conservation Board’s five-year Strategic Plan is to provide guidance and direction on strategic heritage conservation priorities and to align these priorities with operational activities and other City plans and strategies concerning built-heritage conservation in the City.

Heritage Preservation Board